Hope everyone stay safe for the holiday and as always Remeber what today is all about. The very freedoms we hold dear, the freedoms that set us apart from other nations, these are the freedoms our forefathers fought and died for. Freedom is a wonderful thing, and it must be protected and cherished. Happy 4th to you all.
Category Archives: Whats New
Whats new in the world
Coronavirus info
This new strain of the coronavirus has all of spooked to some degree or another. We have provided 2 links so you can get more info and stay uptodate in the coming weeks. As for SAFETY FACTS, as with all flus, and flu like viruses, the main way to protect yourself and your loved ones is
1. Avoid sick people (of course). Also avoid being near someone coughing or sneezing. Cover your face when coughing or sneezing using a tissue and then discard the tissue into the trash. Do not touch your mouth, nose or eyes as this can infect you if you have the virus on your hands.
2. Wash hands, and wash surfaces around the home or workplace. Viruses can be spread from surcaces like doorknobs and other handles, tables, counters,etc. Use disinfecting wipes and hand sasnitizer. Your hand sanitizer should be at least 60% alcohol.
3. If possible stay home if you are sick, also go to your Dr. if you think you are coming down with something
The CDC website https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html
The world Health Organization https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public.
Be safe and well.
In Memory of Robert Bane
Retired police chief Robert Bane passed away last Sunday. Our deepest sympathies to his family and friends, he was a great man and will be missed. He had a long career in law enforcement, with many jobs as patrolman in several towns and finally he came to work here in Paxton. He was a patrolman at first and then worked his way up and became our poice chief in 2006. He always treated people fairly and with respect, and always tried to help people too. I had the pleasure of dealing with Mr. Bane on several occasions at city council meetings and other times and I feel honored and grateful to have known him. He worked very hard to make our community a safer and happier place to live. We will all miss him..
Happy Birthday America
Happy birthday America, another year of proving to the world that this is indeed the greatest nation on earth. So lets all take some time out to reflect and share with our children just exactly what this celebration is all about. Let us remeber that this is the day that our fore-fathers offically declared their independence from Britian. Independence from tyranny, independence to set a new government dedicated to its citizens, dedicated to new freedoms and guarantees to insure those freedoms remained untouched by tyrants. A new nation separate from the church where people were free from religion and the persecution that was everywhere at the time. Freedom to worship as they pleased without fear o fpersecution from the church or government.
Freedom of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. A just nation with just laws for everyone. A nation where one has the right to free speeech with out fear .These are but a few of the many freedoms and rghts we now have and enjoy. Thanks to our fore fathers and the many men and women who fought for those freedoms from the very beginning of our nation.
Happy Birthday America, may you enjoy many, many more,,,,,
The Womens Club and The Vet’s Memorial
Our Memorial sign is a tribute to all the men and women who serve and have served our nation and communities. It was originally dedicated in 1991 by the Womens Club of Paxton. In the midst of Operation Desert Storm The Women club decided a there was a need for a Memrial to honor all our nations Veterans. The nenbers made and sold over 1200 small patriotic label pins for fifty cents each, and with donations from individuals and other organizations were able to raise $3000.00 for the sign. With this money and the help of many volunteers The Memorial sign, lighting, and a 30ft. flag pole were installedat the sane location where it is tohis day. The land was originally donated by the Pizza man restuarant ( Now Monicals). Because the flag was and is flown everyday in all types of weather it must be changed every couple of months. The flags were paid for by the Womens club and changed when needed by members of the American Legion. In 1992 and 1993 bushes and perinnials were added.
The womens club has done many other wonderful things for our community through the years and continues thise efforts to day. In 1984 the club restored the Gazebo at Glen cemetery. The Gazebo was origanally built in 1895. In 1991 the Club promoted a project to plant 25 new Maple, Linden, and Redbud trees to relace the many trees that had been lot since the cemetary wasa first laid out in 1876. This project was to serve as a living symbol of rememberance for the former residents and families buried in Glen cemetery.
In the early 1970’s in the Club accepted the challenge to “Light the Bridges” on the “cut out” that connect the east andwest side of town. This projecy coast more than $6000.00.
In 1967 The Club took on the major project of rrestoring the pavillion in Pells park. If the Women had not stepped up, the pavillion was likey to be tore down. This major renovation cost over $10,000.00.which was raised with thehelp of other civic organizations and personal donations. We all love this pavillion and it get “ALOT” of use year after year. Later in 1973, the Club solicited donations of sand, brick, mortor and shingles to redo the lunch stand at Pells park. Another wonderful gift from the Womens club. Thes are jus a few of the many things that the Womens Clubs has done over years.
As the new caretakers of tthe Memorial sign we are honored to pick up the torch and do our part to keep the legacy alive. To all the members of the Womens club then and now THANK YOU………
Flag Raisng Ceremony 2009
At last the big day had arrived and we wanted everything to be perfect. We rented a small canopy and chairs in case folks needs to get out of the weather.
And slowly the folks started to show up, including some visitors from out of town who were driving through at the time.
Now as more folks gahters in Monicals parking lot, it was time to get started. With the help of Glen Kaiser we were lucky enough to get some Legion volunteers who graciously came to Ceremoniously raise the new flag. While two men hoisted the flag the bugler played taps. Then each of the guest speakers spoke to the crowd about the importance of honoring our Veterans, Sheriff Doran shared a history of the bugle tune we know as Taps. Our Speakers were Les Mathews, Mayor Bill Ingold, Ford county Sheriff Mark Doran, and Congressman Shane Cultra. Special guests in the crowd included State Prosecuter Matt Fitton ( Now Judge Fitton), Police Chief Bob Bane and Sgt Yates, several State Police officers, Fire Chief Denny Kingren and crew, as well as 2 of Paxton’s mail carriers who are veterans themselves and also Dr. Jeff Reynolds and guest..This in addition to the familys that came out to show thier support.
On a special note, It must’ve been a special honor for Mayor Ingold, and Fire Chief Denny Kingren to take part in the rededication of the sign that thier mothers had created almost 20 years prior..