Another article involving the continuing research on Micro and Nano plastics is even worse than the last. Researcers have discovered that many people have Micro/Nano plastics in their Arteries, and that these people are at higher risk of heart attck, stroke or death. It just seems to get worse and worse. As of this writing, these tiny plastic particles have been found in fresh snowfall in Antarctica and at the depths of the Marianas Trench, as well as in human blood; breast milk; urine; and placental, lung and liver tissue. We have created a nightnare. We hqave embraced plastic in every facet of our lives and in many cases it has actually help the enviorment and the Medical fields. In the home we now could “re use” storage containers which eliminated wasted aluminum foil and plastic wrap. It lowered the weight of ourr cars and thus improved gas milage which in turned reduced carbon emissions. But now that we know just how dangerous this is, what can we do? We cant eliminate all plastics can we? And even if we could, “shoulld we”? As with all things, finding a balance is essential, and in the meantime reducing our exposure is crucial.
Using steel/aluminum water containers for hiking/jogging/ STOP buying bottled water, it is not heathier and the reduction of plastic in our enviorment would be massive. Eliminate single serve items, buy canned and frozen juices. Spaghetti sauce, salsa, enchilada Picante in Canned or glass containers. Tea bags intead of plastic bottled teas, canned soda inteade of plastic bottles. Making different choices while shopping will have a major positive impact. Starting a letter campaign to companies can have a positive outcome once companies realize you/we will buy other products from other companies. No company wants to hear that and the impact can be very positive.