I personally was never in favor of the wind turbines in our backyard, but the increased revenue for the school district was/is a BIG PLUS.. And it is supposed to offer some property tax relief to homeowners starting this year so that too is a good thing. But now theres are permit requests to build yet another 40-50 of these turbines and Im sure that it wont be long before construction begins. So, when is this gonna end? Just how many more turbines is the county going to allow to be built? It already seems like there is a turbine everywhere you look well except that open spot in Hardees parking lot…Sure hope no one notices that spot or the open lots at the end of Cherry St.
Monthly Archives: February 2013
Thank you all at PBL Food Bank
For years you have helped so many people in our area including ourselves. We all want you to know that you ARE appreciated and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts
The Mathews Family