It seems that everytime we turn around we are bombarded with new warnings about platics and the dangers they pose. The latest warnings are about Micro plastics and Nano plastics that appear to be everywhere and in large(dangrerous) quantities. Now, the latest sad news is that these micro plastics are in our food and worse yet in the food chain. This includes the grains and veggies we eat as well as the livestock such as beef, pork, chicken etc. In addition, these plastic particles are also coming from the food processing side of things as well. They are even finding plastics as well as micro plastics inside of sea creatures. At this point it appears there is very little we can do to “eliminate” these particles from our lives, however we can reduce our exposure in a number of ways. First and foremost we can eliminate our use of plastic in the home. In our house we have systematically changed our tuperware containers to glass containters and have started to purchase more items in glass, aluminum and tin containers.This will NOT eliminate our exposure but will help to reduce it. We can also take time out to contact various food companies and let them know our thoughts on this. As always, every little bit helps.