This is to say THANK YOU to Millie and all the volunteers that help out through the year helping out those in need. MillieĀ has been helping folks around here for 13 years now. When I first came here I didnt have anything going on. No jobĀ No income. But I did have FOOD, and that was thanks to Millie, who always made sure there was plenty of food in the boxes. Many people fall on hard times and it is very helpful to those folks when at least food is available for them and their family. People like Millie and her volunteers selflessy give thier time (and money) to help folks in need. This is such a gift to so many, Especially around the Holiday season. There were even toys available for the children in addition to Ham for Christmas dinner. Thanks to Millie and her many volunteers many of us have been able to get back on our feet and now have stable lives. Thank you Millie and Thank you to all the volunteers that help, You are ALL truly wonderful people. Hope everyone has a Joyous Holiday Season.