The Legion Riders you can contact Mr Bill Goben at 217-379-3449 They also have a group Page is HERE
We are motorcycle enthusiasts as well as strong supporters of our Troops and Vets. You can find us participating in parades, charity events, supporting our community, and much more.
April Fools Day, Remember to be on your guard Friday. This is one of the most popular days of the year for Pranksters
Voting Don’t forget that Tuesday April 5 is Voting at the Court house
No TIF Meeting: Postponed The Community Meeting for April 4 regarding the new TIF District has been Postponed. There are still some things to be worked out and we will keep the community updated as to when the meeting will occur.
IGA Saturday Cookout This week should be Beef Sandwiches. This event is for the Lake Iroquois Women’s Association.
Paxton Church of Christ is having a Clothing/Misc drive April 8th & 9th. Everything is Free. For more info Please visit thier website
Website Updates; We have been very busy adding content to the website. New Business listings, Church groups etc. As well as some research into how things are going with the windfarm construction in the Watseka area. We will be posting that info very soon. We are also trying to think of a New Survey. If you have any suggestions for this or future Surveys Please let us know. You can email Earthsong or Heidi at
Spring is in the air. The time for planting has come & Arbor Day is just a few weeks away on April 29th. The Arbor Day Foundation has a wonderful program that I just participated in. For my donation, I will be receiving 10 Colorado Spruce Trees & 2 flowering shrubs from the Arbor Day Foundation. If you’d like to support The Arbor Day Foundation and plant more tress in Paxton:
Don’t Forget: All Paxton Residents, Organizations, & Businesses are welcome to post upcoming events on the Community Calendar.