We were fortunate to have the whole day DRY… We planted a lil of this and some of that and off we went to get even more. But the real beauty of yesterday came when a strange black SUV type vehicle pulled up in front of our house and at first we thought their hatchback had come open and they were stopping to close it. But the man reached into the back of the vehicle and brought out a coupleĀ of small flowers/plants and came towards us with a warm smile and proceeded to introduce himself. And Then he gave us the plant and wished us a “Happy Mayday”. Wow what a nice thing to do. He went to the neighbor’s and on down the block leaving a trail of lil flowers, smiles and warm wishes to all he met. Yes, this has become an annual event thanks to the folks at The United Methodist Church. This is AGAIN one of the MANY wonderful things that go on in our lil neck of the world called Paxton. To all the Folks at the church, THANK YOU.