OMG I read that a Gay couple came to Paxton to have some sort of civic union???? Not sure I know what all the hubbub is so I exerciseed my constitutional right to google the gays…( sorry but I had to and seeing how there are no laws against it I did ) Anyway I found all sorts of gay webpages and all sorts of Not so gay webpages that talked about Gays (and gay webpages) After hours of dedicated research I have come up with the following list of attributes for these Gay people. According to google (and they know everything) Gays come in all shapes, sizes, genders, religious backgrounds,geographical regions, creeds, and colors. They are Celebrities, Office workers, Business owners, Veterans, and even Athletes ( there were 1million more pages in google so the list is probably longer You know how google is). Also they are known to be very civic oriented, Politically active and even donate to the United Way ( guess that would make them compassionate as well). One webpage even suggested that they pay thier bills on time and mow their yards meticulously and said that they pay all the usual taxes (even the new ones from Gov. Quinn). The real shocker came when I found out that these Gays are indeed “Human Beings” Yeah just like you and me ( that’s what google said and I believe google). Yes they are Human beings and I found out that many are very Religious people ( this is addition to the all the other positive attributes). So now I am really confused, what exactly is the problem again????? If these people are such an abomination they can move to my neighborhood and then me and my neighbors will be surrounded by responsible caring people who care about the community and have really cool looking lawns on which we can have some of those civil unions….And just for the Record I shop locally ALOT and I BOYCOTT BULL#&@T even more…