My plans went awry yesterday, before I even got started getting ready for Dragging Main. I won’t go into detail, but the results were: I did not arrive as early as I’d planned and definitely did not stay as long as I desired.
The weather turned out to be great regardless of a chill wind. I loved every bit of the short time that I was out on our Main Street. I am definitely looking forward to Dragging Main 2014.
The crowd was a bit thin when we got there, and we cruised the strip a few times before slipping back home for about an hour or so. The first few passes, I saw some beautifully restored buggies, antiques, and classics that I missed capturing with my camera. Foolishly, I did not have it out and ready. Lesson learned.
We returned just a little after 7pm, and by then more folks had made it to Market (Main) St. The atmosphere was definitely more lively; however, my companion and I just could not stay for the festivities.
I did not take photos as I stayed with my companion in our PT Cruiser while we cruised the strip. I found that it was much simpler to run the video record on my little Nikon “point & shoot” camera. Though fun, I’m not sure I am satisfied with the quality of the sound on the video clips, though the imagery is average for the equipment that I used.
Personally, I believe I need to upgrade my media equipment to a Digital SLR of some sort and perhaps invest in a small camcorder.
I hope you enjoy the video clips.