I was in Dallas, TX. We were watching the news while we got ready for school and work. At first, our news people and we all thought the first plane was just off track. It hit; then the 2nd plane came. And no one; absolutely no one could mistake these off course planes for an accident/fluke. I took my girl to school, and picked up my granny to help her with errands. We listened to the radio; later we watched the news together; saw the towers come down. We knew there was no way that everyone had made it out. We knew that we hurt, we wept; so many emotions mixed into me. I could not stand still. I paced; I cursed. We weren’t physically there. It hurts all the same. I remember that day, I sheared my long hair from my head in grief. I wanted to drop bombs on the heads of those who did this. I honestly did not care if civilians would be killed. There were men, women & children in those Towers & on the planes. Sometimes, even now, I wished we were as merciless as we once were with our enemies. IF you harbor the enemy, YOU are MY enemy(PERIOD). I don’t care what anyone says to the contrary, War ALWAYS has and ALWAYS will have civilian casualities. I take my own experience and multiply that by a million plus, in intensity, when I think of those who were there on that day. It is incomprehensibile to me the fullness of what each person experienced in the midst of the attack & those in all places who lost family, friends, and other loved ones. I know that we must never forget the unforgettable lest we lower our guard. We ALL must Always be aware of our surroundings, of what is happening not only in the United States, but in the world.